Sunday, May 10, 2009

But What Should I Write?

I've been getting lots of good feedback on our Sleepless in Sacramento issue and people are calling just to say they were truly considering new sleep solutions and the timing of the issue couldn't have been better.

One man in particular called about the articles on the mattresses. He had no idea about the California laws about mattresses and wanted to get a natural mattress without flame retardants and other chemicals that his body would absorb. "I don't care about the possibility of bedbugs!" he told me. "I just want to be as healthy as possible! When I read those articles, I was amazed that my answer just showed up!"

How Do I Leave a Comment?

As you know, to maximize your chance to win one of the prizes, you have to sign up for the specific sleep solution prize AND leave a blog comment.

Some of you have been asking me, "Well what kind of comments can I write? I would really love to win that pillow!"

So here are a few ideas for you about the comments:

"Hey, Dr. D. I think that article about how to sleep with the pets on the bed was a good one and an eye-opener. All the health practitioners are saying to stop sleeping with pets, they're harmful to us, yada, yada, yada. But I thought to myself, Heck. My pet keeps me healthy and if I want to sleep with my labrador, it's my right. Now I do admit that she does keep me up at night but when I found out that one of the prizes was coaching about how to set the rules in bed, I thought to myself, now there's an idea! I sure hope I win." ---Sammy, Sacramento

"Hey Sleepless Queen,
You get my vote for helping me come up with ideas to get some sleep. You see, my daughter who is only 4 is going through a difficult time right now and it's like she has to have everything in place before she sleeps. One of those things is her stuffed animals. Well I was thinking that maybe those herbal stuffed animals would help her - you know how they are stuffed with herbs and flowers that smell so good that you just fall asleep. So I'm really hoping I win one of them for my daughter." -- Rich, Citrus Heights

"I love entering contests. I'm always the one in line for any contest and I've won several so far in my life. Not the lottery yet but I'm praying... Hope I win the weighted blanket. I know a little autistic boy that I think that blanket would help. And he loves the planets which are on the blanket. Thanks for your efforts. You're doing a good thing here." --Cathy, Elk Grove

"I have always wanted a body wrap and when I found out that getting a good night's sleep is often a result of a body wrap, I thought, hey, I'm in! I just entered the contest and hope to win. If I win, I can see the inches melting off my body and the toxins leaving. I will definitely feel great! I just know it. Those wraps help brides get the inches off before their wedding, I know that for a fact." ---Cassie, Natomas

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